Some of the information below might be helpful to reference following cosmetic surgery.
General Care Instructions
After Anesthesia or Sedation
- Don’t drive or operate dangerous machinery for at least 24 hours or while using narcotic pain relievers
- Nausea is common
- Many people start with a clear liquid diet then start adding more foods as tolerated
To Minimize Swelling or Bleeding
- Use cold compresses for 48 hours on skin or over dressings (avoid frostbite)
- Limit activity for 1 to 2 weeks
For Drains
- Don’t shower/bathe until drain is removed
- Empty bulb drains 3x daily or when ½ full – record drainage in milliliters (cc’s)
- Replace test tube drains 3x daily or when ½ full – record # of tubes used & estimate volume of fluid
- Test tube drains can’t be reused after vacuum seal is lost
- Call your surgeon daily to report drainage quality & associated volume collected
For Plastic Splints or Paper Strips
- Don’t remove if secured directly to wound
- If edges curl up, then may trim with scissors
For Gauze or Bandages
- May remove original gauze dressings 2 days after surgery
- Replace any wet or soiled dressings
- May apply dry sterile dressing to camouflage wound or absorb further drainage
For Incision Site
- Wash exposed suture line 3x daily with warm soap & water
- Keep generously lubricated at all times with antibiotic ointment
- Bacitracin ointment preferred instead of Neosporin
For Pressure Dressings
- Wear elastic dressing continuously for the 1st week
- Wear elastic dressing at home plus while sleeping during 2nd & 3rd weeks
- If causes significant facial swelling, remove wrap for 30 minutes. Re-apply with slightly less pressure