Kenya Mission 2011 – Day 16
Richmond, VA
Final thoughts,
Each of us is called to serve in different ways. Some are called to teach, others to preach. Some are builders, while others are warriors. Some are able to give of their finances, even when they cannot personally go. Others contribute at home through the important work of prayer. To each is given the gifts needed to complete the task.
Needs abound throughout God’s Kingdom, both at home and abroad. In addition to the ENT cleft lip and cleft palate team sponsored by Samaritan’s Purse and Smile Train, the otolaryngologists at Richmond ENT donate their time providing free care to Richmond’s poor through Access Now, the Love of Jesus Clinic, and the Richmond Ear and Ear Foundation at Stony Point Surgery Center.
It was exciting this year that the cleft lip team in Kijabe, Kenya turned away no patient for lack of resources. To the contrary, we had more supplies and more volunteers than we needed. Perhaps this was a one-time respite for the team, or perhaps it is an indication that the years of training and service by preceding teams have made a lasting change. Time will tell.
In the meantime, I challenge the reader to listen to your heart for the call of God, and accept the privilege of serving whenever or wherever you can. For those soldiers and full-time missionaries serving overseas, I offer my heartfelt gratitude and admiration.
Mike Armstrong.